At PHTA's core is the development of consensus-based standards and codes. Reorganized in 2022, PHTA's Center of Technical Excellence is comprised of committees guided by pool, spa, and hot tub leaders that ensure PHTA's technical activities and initiatives are at the forefront of the industry.
The Technical Advisory Council oversees the five technical committees governing PHTA's technical offerings such as standards, codes, and scientifically backed resources that inform all areas of the industry. Each committee oversees a key function of PHTA's technical structure and provides an opportunity for members to participate in the process.
Meetings are open to the public. If you are interested in attending, please submit an Observer/Guest Policy form.
Apply to be a member of a PHTA Technical Committee
The Technical Advisory Council (TAC) oversees the technical accuracy of all the technical, safety, and health affairs of the association, including the development of policy recommendations to the Board of Directors. The TAC coordinates review of PHTA Standards for technical accuracy, recommends appropriate scientific research, and oversees other technical, safety, and health activities as may be required by PHTA, its councils, and its committees.
Joseph Laurino, PhD
Your standards expertise and experience are needed to ensure PHTA Standards are state of the art and serve the needs of the pool, hot tub, and spa industry; users; and the public.
The Standards Process Committee (SPC) coordinates the PHTA Standards process, including supporting Standard Writing Committee (SWC) review of existing standards and development of new standards. The committee works with the Code Action Committee (CAC) and Technical Advisory Council (TAC) to ensure PHTA Standards are up-to-date and technically accurate and useful.
Steve Barnes
Voting Members:
Your water quality expertise and experience are needed to ensure the highest quality technical review is applied and research conducted in all areas of recreational water use and development.
The Recreational Water and Air Quality Committee (RWAQC) develops and maintains authoritative information regarding chemical products, processes, and devices that affect water and air quality maintenance of swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs. The committee assists in the development and review of PHTA Standards and advances the welfare of PHTA members by providing technical expertise on water quality and treatment.
Jody O'Grady
Voting Members:
Your expertise and experience are needed to ensure pool, spa, and hot tub industry codes are current, appropriate, and in sync with PHTA Standards.
The Code Action Committee (CAC) develops and maintains authoritative information regarding the International Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC), other pool codes, and external (non-PHTA) standards. The committee uses authoritative scientific data and research and sound engineering practices in the development of all information, and evaluates research for technical accuracy. The CAC assists in answering industry technical questions about codes, and presents technical education programs for the pool, spa, and hot tub industry, as well as for public health and other industry-related professions.
Wendy Purser
Voting Members:
Your technical skills and experience are needed to ensure PHTA educational materials are accurate, useful, and of top quality.
The Editorial Review Committee (ERC) is responsible for the technical review of all educational materials produced by PHTA. The committee coordinates existing PHTA materials and the development of new materials. ERC members work individually and in groups on materials, including consumer safety publications and educational course materials.
James Egan, PhD
Voting Members: