about us

PHTA Staff

Executive Office

Sabeena Hickman, CAE
President and CEO

  • Vision, Mission, and Strategy
  • Board of Directors and Governance
  • Member and Industry Relations

E: shickman@phta.org
P: 703-955-1875

Jeff Henriksen
Chief Strategy Officer

  • Strategy Formulation and Management
  • Association Growth
  • Implementation of Strategic Initiatives

E: jhenriksen@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 148


Laurie Lankford
Executive Assistant to the President and CEO

  • Supports CEO and PHTA Board of Directors

E: llankford@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 142

Education and Events

Jeanne Mendelson
Vice President, Education and Events

  • Primary Oversight for Education, Certification, Meetings and Events
  • Education & Certification Committee Liaison
  • Education Partnerships

E: jmendelson@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 179

Justine Wood, CMP
Senior Director, Education and Events

  • Education Event Management
  • WAHC Annual Conference Management

E: jwood@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 114


Diana Bautz
Director, Education

  • Education Development
  • GENESIS Faculty Liaison
  • Continuing Education and Accreditation (IACET, ASLA, APLD)
  • Speaker Management and Online Learning Oversight

E: dbautz@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 122

Natalie Hood
Director, Certification and Instructor Relations

  • PHTA Instructor Relations
  • Instructor School Oversight
  • Certification Operations Management
  • CPO Program Management

E: nhood@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 190


Ashley Reyna
Senior Manager, Certification and Client Relations

  • Client Services Supervisor
  • Certification and Education Operations
  • PHTA Instructor Relations

E: areyna@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 117

Justin Ivey
Manager, Education

  • Learning Management System (LMS) Manager
  • Education Partners Program (EPP) Administration
  • Administrative Support for Events

E: jivey@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 150


Alma Valdez
Bilingual Manager, Certification and Client Relations

  • Bilingual Client Services
  • Certification and Education Processing

E: avaldez@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 109

Sara Niven
Coordinator, Certification and Client Relations

  • Client Services
  • Certification and Education Processing

E: sniven@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 110


Lisa Ryckeley
GENESIS Concierge

  • GENESIS Student Services
  • Customized GENESIS Curriculum

E: lryckeley@phta.org
P: 615-907-1274

Finance and Administration

Bill Aronson
Senior Director, Finance and Administration

  • Financial Oversight
  • HR Administrator
  • IT Liaison

E: baronson@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 153

Netty Ford
Senior Manager, Finance and Administration

  • Account Reconciliation & Analysis
  • Financial Reporting

E: nford@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 104


Ian Tobin
Coordinator, Finance and Office Manager

  • Virginia office services support
  • Credit card and expense report management
  • Accounts receivable collections

E: itobin@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 103

Bridget Rachek
Staff Accountant

  • Accounts Payable

E: brachek@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 154

Government Relations, Standards, and Codes

Justin Wiley
Vice President, Government Relations, Standards, and Codes

  • Monitor legislative and regulatory issues at federal, state, and local levels and advocate on behalf of PHTA and its members
  • Oversee development and maintenance of ANSI/PHTA standards
  • Shape code development impacting the swimming pool and spa industry

E: jwiley@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 431

Tyler Jones
Director, Government Relations

  • Lead on State and Local Legislative and Regulatory Issues
  • Drives State and Local ISPSC and PHTA Standard Adoption
  • Facilitates Grassroots Involvement

E: tjones@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 165


Genevieve Lynn
Program Director, Standards and Technical Services

  • ANSI Standards Development, Strategy & Accreditation
  • Standards Consensus Committee (SCC), Technical Committee (TC), Recreational Water and Air Quality Committee (RWAQC) Liaison
  • Standard Writing Committees (SWCs) Oversight & Management

E: glynn@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 155

Blake Pavlik
Director, Standards

  • Assists Standard Writing Committees (SWCs)
  • PHTA and ANSI Procedure Compliance
  • Special Projects Management

E: bpavlik@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 180


Gregory Ceton
Director, Codes and External Standards

  • Lead on Code Development work in national code-making bodies and state code cycles
  • Oversight of outside standard development work by other standard organizationsn
  • Point person for code interpretation and compliance questions

E: gceton@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 212

April Nowicki
Manager, Publications and Standards Development

  • Liaison to PHTA Editorial Review Committee
  • Development and publication of PHTA standards and technical documents
  • Oversight of PHTA educational manuals

E: anowicki@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 115

Marketing and Development

Jessica Howard
Vice President, Marketing and Sales

  • Membership and Education Marketing
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Website and Community Platform Oversight

E: jhoward@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 149

Sheri Jackson
Senior Director, Business Development

  • Sponsorship for PHTA and GENESIS
  • Sales Strategy and Outreach
  • Strategic Partnership Program

E: sjackson@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 157


Cheryl Claborn
Senior Director, Membership Development

  • Membership Retention & Recruitment
  • PHTA Member Support
  • PHTA Affiliations

E: cclaborn@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 116

Amy Willer
Director, Content and Communications

  • Content Development
  • Press and Media Liaison
  • Email Communications

E: awiller@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 121


Jasen Zubcevik
Creative Director, Marketing

  • Directs Design and Production of Marketing Collateral
  • Implements Design and Format Standards
  • Coordinates Projects with Outside Vendors

E: jzubcevik@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 211

Kate Meny
Senior Manager, Digital Marketing

  • Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Product Marketing
  • Program Marketing

E: kmeny@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 162


Amber Moreno
Manager, Marketing and Communications

  • Member Communications
  • Marketing Collateral
  • Tradeshow Collateral

E: amoreno@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 111

Kelliann Morgan
Manager, Membership Development

  • New Member Onboarding
  • Member Retention

E: kmorgan@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 144

Membership and Client Services

Seth Ewing
Senior Director, Member Programs and Services

  • PHTA Apprenticeship Programs
  • Workforce Development Program & Job Board
  • Center for Research
  • Chapters, Councils, and Committees
  • International Hot Tub Association (IHTA)
  • California Pool & Spa Association (CPSA)

E: sewing@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 159

Rick Hagan
Senior Director, Industry Affairs

  • Texas Pool & Spa Coalition (TPSC) Liaison
  • Chapter Expansion & Development

E: rhagan@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 145


Kenya Thomas
Director, Database Management

  • Database Management
  • PHTA Fulfillment Management
  • Membership Billing

E: kthomas@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 146

Mohammad Iqab
Coordinator, Member Programs & Services

  • Member Service Center Support
  • Membership Processing

E: miqab@phta.org
P: 703-838-0083, ext. 127


Rowdy Gaines
Vice President, Partnerships and Development

  • Step Into Swim
  • Business and Partnership Development
  • PHTA Spokesperson

E: rgaines@phta.org

Jillian Wilkins
Manager, Step Into Swim

  • Grant Application Process
  • Donor Relations

E: jwilkins@phta.org


Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Strategic Partners:

  • Biolab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • Lou
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • WatkinsWellness
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