If your primary business location is in the designated Northeast region highlighted in the map below, you are required to submit a membership application to the Northeast Spa & Pool Association (NESPA). NESPA is PHTA’s regional partner. Through this partnership you receive the benefits of membership with both NESPA and PHTA for the price of one. You can learn more about the value of NESPA membership and join at www.nespapool.org.
The above map shows the geographic areas in New York and Pennsylvania that fall under NESPA.
The following membership categories located in Connecticut, New Jersey, or the highlighted parts of New York and Pennsylvania must apply for membership with NESPA:
Please apply for membership with NESPA (nespapool.org). Once NESPA processes your membership, we will receive your information from NESPA and activate your PHTA membership.
If you begin to fill out the online PHTA membership application and you work in the highlighted region above, you will be automatically redirected to NESPA to continue their membership application.
If you have any questions, please contact us directly at 703.838.0083 x116 or membership@phta.org.